

Modular frontend with NPM & pals



  • How to use modules in your app
  • Authoring small modules is great for collaboration
  • You can author self-contained UI widgets as modules
  • How to build your own custom flexible "framework" from modules

Tools of the trade

  • npm
  • browserify
  • unix


npm is a package manager for JavaScript. It allows for easily authoring small modules without dependency hell


  • commonJS for browsers
  • supports node_modules
  • creates a single JS file

Check out browserify handbook


Developers should build a program out of simple parts connected by well defined interfaces, so problems are local, and parts of the program can be replaced in future versions to support new features. This rule aims to save time on debugging code that is complex, long, and unreadable.

Using modules

The why?

  • Pick the best of everything
  • Use exactly what you need, no more
  • No lock in, freedom to switch whenever

Using modules

The where?

Demo time

Building a little app with modules

A small spinner app

Modules & Collaboration

People can re-use & expand on the small modules you build


A module that does one thing, sends http requests

And its dependents

Building a modular "framework"

  • Decompose the problem space
  • Work from the ground up
  • Solve each problem well in isolation

A unidirectional approach

Observable & Immutable state

A unidirectional approach

Representing input

A unidirectional approach

Rendering the view

Demo time

Publishing UI components as modules

Using a github widget module

Demo time

Building your own unidirectional app with modules

A unidirectional demo


  • How to use modules in your app
  • Authoring small modules is great for collaboration
  • You can author self-contained UI widgets as modules
  • How to build your own custom flexible "framework" from modules

